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Providing for your family in your will

Trusts and Estates
July 16, 2024
16 Jul 2024

You have some legal obligations

We all want to look after our families – both during our lives and after we die. One way you can make sure that your family is looked after when you die is by leaving behind a clear, well-drafted will.

In New Zealand, we have considerable ‘testamentary freedom,’ meaning we can generally choose how we want to distribute our personal assets after our deaths. Testamentary freedom has been a fundamental feature of New Zealand law for many years. There are, however, limits to testamentary freedom. We see these limits in action when claims are made against a family member’s estate.

Claims against an estate

Claims against estates can be made under the Family Protection Act 1955 which provides that you have a moral duty to provide adequate maintenance and support for certain family members after your death. They include your spouse, children and sometimes grandchildren. Even if you have family members with whom you have had a poor relationship during your lifetime, if you do not adequately provide for their maintenance and support in your will, there is a risk they could make a claim against your estate.

If you want to leave unequal shares of your estate to your family members, or leave a close family member out of your will entirely, it is important to state this expressly in your will and to provide your reasons for doing so. This can reduce the likelihood of a successful claim being made against your estate.

Protecting beneficiaries from their own folly

If you are concerned about how a particular family member (a beneficiary) may use (or misuse) their share of your estate, you should discuss this with us before your will is drafted. Leaving your family members with a significant lump-sum of cash is not the only way to provide them with their share of your estate. There are options such as establishing a protective trust for their share or appointing trustees to manage money on their behalf. These options may ease your concerns.

Family members having different needs

If your family members have different needs, you may want to consider adjusting their share of your estate. With family members who have significant health issues or support needs, your obligation to provide for them may be greater.

Earlier this year, the High Court made a decision in a case, [1] upholding an earlier decision of the Family Court. That decision increased the proportion of a father’s estate that was awarded to his unwell son by a small amount. His son had been unable to work for several years due to his illness, and incurred costs associated with managing his illness. When his father awarded him a smaller share of his estate than his sister, the court decided this had breached his father’s duty to him. The duty to provide adequately for maintenance and support applied, even though the relationship with his father had been strained and dysfunctional over several years before his father’s death.

Repercussions of not providing for your family

If any of your family members have been left out of your will or have not been adequately provided for, they could make a claim against your estate.

When such a claim is made, the court can review the circumstances and make an award from the estate to remedy failure to provide adequate maintenance and support. This is why it’s important to talk with us about the drafting of your will. We can help you adjust your will to minimise the possibility of a successful claim against your estate.

Estate claims can cause increased distress, conflict and delays during an already challenging time for your family. The legal costs associated with defending such a claim can also significantly reduce the value of your estate.

Important to think this through

If you’re tempted to write your wayward son, estranged daughter or irresponsible spouse out of your will, it’s well worth getting advice first. This may spare your family a claim against your estate, and the stress and expense that goes along with such claims.

[1] Emeny v Mattsen [2024] NZHC 291.

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Content Copyright © NZ LAW Limited, 2024. Editor Adrienne Olsen, e. m. 029 286 3650

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