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Residential Property
July 11, 2024
11 Jul 2024

The finance condition in the agreement

The finance condition is the most common condition included in an Agreement for Sale and Purchase for a buyer’s benefit.

As a buyer you are likely to have sufficient funds for a deposit but lack the necessary funds to buy your dream home in full. A loan (mortgage) is needed to make up the difference.

Like all conditions, if the condition is contained on the front page of the agreement, you have a certain number of working days to satisfy it (and any other conditions). Once the conditions are fulfilled, the agreement becomes ‘unconditional’ and both parties eagerly anticipate settlement.

As with all required conditions, you must do all things reasonably necessary to satisfy the condition/s by the due date. You will need a formal loan offer and approval letter from your lender. Once obtained, we will notify the seller’s lawyer that the condition is satisfied.

If any conductions are not satisfied by the due date, the parties can cancel the agreement by giving each other notice in writing. If you as a buyer, cannot satisfy the condition, the seller may request a satisfactory explanation as to why not. In other words, you must show all reasonably necessary steps were taken to obtain finance. In this situation, you could provide communications with your mortgage broker and lender, and provide evidence of having approached different lenders if your first lender declines finance.


LIM condition

The Land Information Memorandum (LIM) ‘report’ condition is another condition often included in the agreement for the buyer’s benefit.

A LIM is prepared by the local council and is obtained at the buyer’s cost. The LIM contains a lot of information on the property including plans, detailing the positioning of stormwater and sewerage pipes, flood plans, overland flow paths, council rates, building certificates, consents and compliance, and special land features such as historical sites and sites which are significant to Māori. All this is worth knowing before buying a property.

If you are happy with the LIM, you can satisfy the condition by approving the report by the due date in the agreement. We will notify the seller’s lawyer that the condition is satisfied.

If you do not approve the LIM (on reasonable grounds), you may have to give notice to the seller stating your reasons. The seller may agree to undertake the necessary steps and/or remedial works to correct these concerns. If so, this condition will be satisfied. However, the seller can respond that they are unable, or unwilling, to do so. In this case, the agreement can be cancelled if you wish.


Building report condition

The building report condition is yet another condition commonly found in the agreement for a buyer’s benefit.

A building report is carried out by a qualified building inspector; it is obtained at your cost. It can outline structural and weathertightness aspects (amongst other things) relating to the property. These could be, for example, moisture levels throughout the property, whether there are any loose wires, power sockets or other electrical issues, plumbing problems, whether the roof and exterior walls of the house are in good shape and so forth. The report must be in writing.

The seller must allow the building inspector reasonable access to the property. It is usual for you to arrange the inspection through the real estate agent.

If you are happy with the building report, the condition can be satisfied by approving the report by the due date. You can ask the seller to do any remedial work (at the seller’s cost) for any problems raised in the report, or even use those problems as a means to negotiate a lower purchase price for the property. The seller does not have to agree.

If you cancel the agreement because you are dissatisfied with the building report, you may have to provide the seller with the report if the seller asks for it.

Please note that the above is commentary on an agreement by the private treaty and does not apply to an auction agreement. If you are considering purchasing a property at auction then you should contact us as soon as possible prior to the auction date so the appropriate due diligence can be carried out, as a purchase of a property at auction will generally be an “unconditional” purchase and not subject to any conditions.

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Content Copyright © NZ LAW Limited, 2024. Editor Adrienne Olsen, e. m. 029 286 3650

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